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personal insurance Lakeland

personal insurance Lakeland

If a business owner has no coverage and there’s a catastrophe, they’ll pay for repairs out of pocket. Anything from a small fire to an accident involving a fleet vehicle may cost thousands of dollars to remedy.

Saving Money with an Independent Insurnace Agent

Posted on June 7 2018, 08:00am

Categories: #business, #insurance, #homeowners

An independent insurance agent can save people money on premiums over an agency for a specific brand of insurance, and buying policies online. The main reason for lower premiums is that insurance is all about risk. The likelihood of being robbed in a huge city is greater than in a small town. Taking that fact into consideration lowers premiums for those in low crime areas. Most online premiums are determined by state statistics.

What the Means

Basically people seeking renters insurance in the State of Florida will pay the same rate regardless if they live in Miami, or a small town bordering Georgia. Crime is higher in the city, but the people in that small town have less risk of robbery. It is not fair that the rate is the same. Someone interested in personal insurance Lakeland can benefit from a lower crime rate through the independent agent who determines risk factors for the immediate area. Adjustments can be made to customize coverage to meet unique needs instead of paying high rates for situations that do not apply.

An Insurance Office for One Brand

When using a dedicated insurance agent, options are limited to policies and pricing that particular brand has to offer. Some customization may be possible, but the freedom to compare coverage and premiums between other brands is lacking. People seeking policies based on the reputation of a specific brand will want to purchase Business insurance Lakeland at that office. People seeking the best coverage at the best price will want an independent agent who compares policies offered by multiple insurance carriers.

Policies Clarified

Services offered by insurance agencies are not available to the same degree online. Live chat is a valuable tool to convey facts and straightforward information. It is not the same as a face to face conversation. The nuances of facial expressions and body language make up the majority of meaning in a conversation. Unless the chat is a video call format, clarification may not be achieved. This has the potential for dire consequences.

An example of where confusion will reign supreme without body language is the clarification between home insurance Lakeland and homeowners insurance Lakeland. A homeowners policy covers the interior and exterior of the home, personal possessions in the home, and liability. A home policy, also known as a home warranty, covers the systems and appliances within the home. People enquiring about either of these policies can mistake one for the other.

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